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Torbitzky Receives Racial Equity & Interfaith Cooperation Award
College of Arts and Humanities

Rev. Dr. Nichole Torbitzky, assistant professor of religion and Lindenwood University chaplain, received a Racial Equity & Interfaith Cooperation Award as part of Interfaith Youth Core’s (IFYC) We Are Each Other’s Campaign.

Kayla Piers Stewart Wins Young Alumni Award
Alumni & Donors, College of Arts and Humanities, General

The Young Alumni Award recognizes the accomplishments of Lindenwood University alumni who graduated in the last 10 years. Recipients are up-and-coming talents and have demonstrated outstanding promise for contributions to Lindenwood and the greater community. Recipients have been active with events within the Alumni Association, networking opportunities, fundraising, and student recruitment.

Lindenwood Student Achieves Gold-Level Success
College of Arts and Humanities, Academics, General

Abigail Manis, a former Lindenwood undergraduate student and current MFA candidate, has accomplished a great deal in her short time at Lindenwood University. She’s a bright, ambitious, and exceptionally talented young woman with a staggering number of achievements to her name, and her story is a prime example of the real academic success achieved by Lindenwood students.

Lindenwood's First Hellbender Student Film Festival
Academics, General, College of Arts and Humanities

The Hellbender Student Film Festival is a new film festival curated at Lindenwood University. Associate Professor Andrew Millians founded the festival earlier this year after the idea of launching a festival had been discussed within the Cinema Arts program for a while. As the Festival Director, Professor Millians wanted to give student filmmakers an opportunity to showcase their work.

Arrow Rock Awarded for Excellence
College of Arts and Humanities, Academics, General

For the excellence of its Spring 2019 issue, the Arrow Rock Literary Journal won its first ever REALM Award. Produced by 10 undergraduate students and one faculty advisor working in concert, this previous issue of Lindenwood’s online publication stands as a beaming example of the university’s tradition of literary excellence.

JT Taylor Selected for Alumni Merit Award
Alumni & Donors, General

We are honored to present Jon “JT” Taylor with the 2020 Alumni Merit Award. The Alumni Merit Award recognizes alumni who have enhanced the prestige of Lindenwood University by virtue of their character, integrity, career, and personal accomplishments. Traditionally, the award has not been given in recognition of a single remarkable achievement but has been reserved for those alumni who have attained and maintained extremely high stations in their chosen fields of endeavor and in their service to society.

Spirit Week Starts Monday
Student Life, Campus Events, General

New for 2020, Lindenwood University’s Spirit Week features Halloween-themed events for students, employees, alumni, the community and friends.

Lindenwood Signs Agreement with St. Charles Community College
Academics, General

Lindenwood University and St. Charles Community College joined together yesterday, and signed an agreement, as part of a cooperative partnership to support the higher education of students in St. Charles County.